Ocean Ghosts Page 3
There was a long moment of silence, before Zephyr spoke once more.
"This ritual, the sense of body… I've experienced it before. I worked with people against the same thing you now speak of, a chaos God." A distant look passed over Zephyr's features. "There were so many of them…"
"My ancestors had bequeathed their knowledge of elemental power in case it was needed again. I had no idea that you've been bound by them in the past, though." Jack tried to convey an expression of apology alongside the explanation.
"So yet again I am expected to fight…" There was a trace of anger in Zephyr's voice and something Jack couldn't quite place—perhaps remorse, though he couldn't fathom what for. Zephyr left afterwards, making it clear that the conversation was over, yet Jack was glad that the barriers between them were being taken down, albeit slowly.
In light of the new knowledge about Zephyr, Jack realized getting in his good graces would likely take more time. But it also meant Zephyr could share information from his past, vital details about the upcoming battle, which would make the wait worth it. All Jack needed to do was believe in his own strength to help the city resist the chaos God in the meantime, and he could do that even if it wasn't easy.
Jack smiled when Zephyr was willing to speak to him the following morning as well.
"You do not appear to have kin. The humans before were always together, the lot of them." It was stated as an observation, but Jack could detect a hint of curiosity behind Zephyr's stoic façade.
"You're right, I'm last heir to the House of Raus." Jack pushed his plate aside and sat back more comfortably in his chair, studying Zephyr's face for the smallest hint of reaction. "The past years brought quite dangerous times and a lot of people died before their time. As a Guardian, it's my duty to stop the chaos Gods from destroying the city, and that doesn't really leave much time for personal affairs."
"I remember." The shadow of some unreadable emotion crossed Zephyr's chiselled features. "There was a power your people possessed that was beyond my understanding. They used it while we were setting the iron." At that, Zephyr turned his face, looking out of the narrow window to the dark night outside. The lantern's light shone behind him and defined his profile with soft violet hues.
Often, Jack found himself marvelling at Zephyr's distant beauty, which was not unlike the one of the stars in the rare nights when the sky was clear. Zephyr was silent, and, just as Jack thought that would be the end of their discussion, he looked at Jack again. His eyes burned with sudden intense emotion.
"We worked restlessly, side by side. And while the storm shall never bow down to any man willingly, in the end I was glad to have served by his side. For he was the one that could bend even the sky's fire to his mind."
Jack swallowed hard, his senses nearly reaching overload. He became hyperaware of his surroundings in a single moment; it was like when he let his consciousness spread. Only this time, the very air around him was electrifying. It was all Zephyr's doing, a glimpse of his power buzzing like a lightning bolt trapped in a bottle. An insistent thought managed to take Jack's attention away from the sensation, and he realized Zephyr was testing him. There was a threshold Jack had to pass if he wished Zephyr to fight alongside him, though he didn't yet understand what exactly his challenge was. Did Zephyr want to test his endurance, or his strength to fight back?
Either way, Jack knew he couldn't last long against Zephyr's power. So despite his best judgment, Jack spread out his consciousness, wrapping it around the foundations of the mansion, feeling the shape of every fragment of iron. The resonance spread through his mind, and he sent it towards Zephyr in a single thrust powerful enough to make the ground rattle.
Zephyr's head snapped to the side with a sharp gasp. While Jack was still trying to catch his breath, Zephyr stood up, a hint of a smile stretching his lips.
"So, you, too, are a true son of the sky…" His voice was barely above a whisper as he walked around the table, stopping next to Jack's chair.
Jack looked up at him from under his bangs with a vaguely satisfied expression. Apparently, he had done enough to prove himself to Zephyr. His expression changed in the next instant when he felt Zephyr's warm mechanical hand caress his face, fingers tracing over the deep scar on Jack's cheekbone. It was the first time Zephyr had willingly touched Jack, and the brief contact sent a shiver down his spine. He didn't dare move, unwilling to end the moment.
Then the electrifying energy was back, its presence thick enough to be felt physically. Zephyr was still smiling as he leaned down, pressing his lips against Jack's, who felt pleasure course through his body at every point of contact between the two of them. Sighing against Zephyr's lips, Jack buried a hand his hair, trying to bring him closer. The locks felt like smooth, liquid silk between his fingers as he tightened his grip and returned the kiss with vigour.
"Feel me," Zephyr whispered, voice dripping with desire as he wrapped his arms around Jack.
A memory flashed in Jack's mind, red-hot like a lightning strike. Cold sheets and a burning body above him, roaming hands and the heated grip of strong thighs. The intensity threatened to pull him under, drown him like the waves of a restless sea. It was happening again, Jack thought: he was seeing a memory that wasn't his own. He took a deep breath, trying to snap out of it. It was a mistake, though: with Zephyr so close to him all he did was breathe in his oddly intoxicating scent, like the air before a storm.
"You remember me now, don't you?" Zephyr's gaze was unrelenting.
Jack couldn't understand what Zephyr meant, nor the confusing glimpse of memories. It was another strange piece of a puzzle to him. Dwelling upon those memories made Jack feel lost within his own head, strangely disassociated and confused, as if he were trying to live two lives at the same time. Before the situation spiralled out of his control, Jack turned away, unable to let himself succumb—neither to the past, nor to his newfound desire for Zephyr.
A look akin to hurt flashed briefly in Zephyr's eyes before he looked away. "I guess not." His voice was devoid of emotion again, and he slid away from Jack's grasp. Thunder echoed outside, followed by a sudden torrent of rain.
Zephyr left the room without another word, and Jack ran a hand over his face. Since binding Zephyr, Jack had felt a strong connection to him, though he hadn't dared hope his feelings would be returned. After all, Zephyr was a deity, and Jack knew little of how his mind worked.
Something Snow had mentioned rose in his mind, and he went to his bedroom. Despite Snow's interest in the Codex, Jack had insisted it contained information that was too dangerous, so as a Guardian he evoked the right to keep it safe. It was locked securely in his room, and he hadn't had a chance to read any more of it since Zephyr's arrival. But according to Snow, the Codex consisted both of spells and journal entries, the latter of which Jack was interested in right now. Hunched over his desk and carefully turning each page, he read slowly, the complex old words almost blurring under his gaze after a while.
The Codex followed some approximate timeline, though the notes were hardly consistent. Sometimes it was Arie who was writing, then Corvin, or they had both commented on hastily scribbled diagrams of spells. Finally, Jack came across the passage he was looking for. It wasn't long, but it explained that the bound deities continued to serve their purpose in the town's construction and had become well acquainted with their Knights. According to Corvin, the trust and strong mutual bond was crucial for the exchange of power.
Jack closed the Codex with a sigh. Perhaps the spark he felt with Zephyr wasn't unusual.
Something else bothered him, though. Zephyr had mentioned the memories and then pushed him away. If he somehow knew about the patchwork of strange memories Jack had lived with for so long, there was a chance he could help Jack make better sense of them.
Jack had to admit that with each passing night he felt himself becoming more attached to Zephyr, in ways he couldn't entirely blame on the binding. Albeit unexpected, their kiss had only added onto
the emotions budding within him. The desire which had ran like a current between them from the start was growing stronger and Jack had begun to wish Zephyr would be willing to explore how far their affection went. Zephyr had appeared in a time of Jack's life where he had let himself settle and find solitary comfort in the routine of his nights, and he’d changed that, making Jack wonder how far this new life of theirs could go, if they ever managed to succeed in eliminating the chaos God.
Looking out of the window, he realized Zephyr had gone out into the garden. Rain soaked him to the bones. As if sensing Jack's gaze, Zephyr turned and raised a hand; a bolt of lightning struck right next to him, setting a rose bush ablaze. The message was clear. Jack closed the curtains, letting Zephyr have his moment in the storm. Another proof to his theory that living in a body hadn't cut Zephyr's connection to the weather.
Some odd idea was taking shape in his mind, so he took the Codex again, searching for an image he'd seen briefly. It was a complex schematic showing Corvin's armour, and given the turn of events, Jack thought it was a good idea to do some more research on it. There was always work piling up in the forge, but Jack decided it would have to wait, as his new project was more important.
The fire in the forge burned for hours as he worked, undisturbed by the consistent rain. He stopped only when the time for dinner came, reminding himself Zephyr would be waiting.
Sullen silence had fallen over the table again, but Jack was too tired to think of something to say. The maintenance routine passed as usual, and Jack left for his room with a heavy heart. He hoped from the events of this morning wouldn't put a halt on their progress and Zephyr would talk to him again soon, especially if Jack could finish what he worked on.
Jack slipped out of his warm clothes absentmindedly, hand trailing the heavy headboard of the bed. The smooth, cold iron felt reassuring under his fingertips. It was everywhere; Revdagrad was built up mostly from it. A unique type no one knew how to make anymore, but it did more than the eye could see. In a long-past era where the Gods were truly furious and all-too powerful, the first people to start building the city had recognized the need for something beyond the material. They had fought the shadow beings which rose from the wrath of the Gods, and build their shining havens surrounded by the everlasting night. And while the strength of their backs had kept them going, the mind and heart thrived of different light. They had looked up at the overcast skies and touched iron, hoping the storm would not hit as hard. They had dug through the solid ground, wrought the foundations, and wished them to withstand monstrous pressure. And above all, they had gathered around the burning fires of the forge, the only place that could cast the shadows and ever-present moisture away.
Just as he was falling asleep, Jack felt the foreign presence in the city again. The chaos God was testing the defences, attacking the weakened link, which meant they didn't have much time. Jack gathered his strength and pushed back as hard as he could. The pressure eased up after a moment, and his nervousness eased once there came no other attack.
"I can feel it too. Sliding in where it's not wanted…" Zephyr's voice made him turn and reach for the lantern by the bed.
"When did you—" Jack's voice cut off as Zephyr's weight settled next to him.
He heard a sigh come from the darkness. "You've bound me with sky iron. It is now part of my body and mind. It senses when there's evil around, and so I cannot ignore it either."
Zephyr's warm body pressed next to him under the blankets, arms wrapping loosely around his torso. "Help me get rid of it then, and I'll set you free. Isn't that what you desire?" Jack's voice held a trace of longing as he wrapped his arms around Zephyr in return. He thought about Zephyr's earlier mood and wondered if it was a reflection of him longing to return to his elemental form. Jack could not blame him for it, as it had certainly been a freedom of being which was now denied to him, lest they defeat the chaos God.
Magic had brought them together to fight the old God, but Jack felt ready to stay by Zephyr's side for his entire life, as a Guardian and not only. Zephyr's presence filled a void in Jack's life, bringing light and memories which he was slowly making better sense of. The Geas upon Zephyr would only exist until he fulfilled his purpose. After that, he was free to do as he pleased, to leave his mortal form. He could leave if the life he shared with Jack was not what he wished for. Yet, Jack allowed himself to hope that Zephyr sought more, that their meeting was not just a chance of fate.
Another sigh, this time much closer to him.
"I will help you, but certainly not for that price." Zephyr's silky hair slid over Jack's shoulder as he whispered in his ear. "Once you remember, I'll tell you what I desire."
Chapter Four
The raindrops fell softly onto the grass, spreading a glistening layer of moisture over the deep green shrubs and old stones. Only the roses and the other blooming flowers emitted their soft glow in the dark, much like fireflies scattered around the garden.
Jack sensed Zephyr's presence despite his quiet steps and turned to see him lean on the wooden frame of the door, holding a branch covered with violet flowers. "Rosemary. In the language of flowers, it equates to remembrance." Jack met his eyes, the storm in them softened by the dusk of the forge. "There's a lot of it in your garden."
"Grows well pretty much on its own. Looks nice and doesn't bother the roses, so I leave it be." Jack looked away from Zephyr's intricate body. Despite the slight chill, Zephyr was wearing only a thin, button-up shirt with sleeves rolled to his elbows. Apart from the visible metal of his hands, he carried an aura of power, something invisible which challenged the senses and could make even those not possessing Jack's knowledge question his true nature. Turning back to the fire and the metal he was working on, Jack tried not to think of how the smooth fabric fell perfectly over Zephyr's supple body, and how easy would it be to just reach out and slide it off his shoulders…
"You've been gone for hours. What is it that you're working on?" Zephyr came closer to Jack, who stopped working again. "The past few nights, you're either in the city running errands or down here… I'm starting to feel lonely all by myself."
Zephyr's arms wrapped loosely around his torso, followed by a warm weight pressing against his back. This morning, Jack had found Zephyr still asleep next to him, a more common occurrence now that they were sharing bed in the evenings. There was stable progress in their relationship after all, as the breakfasts were no longer spent in silence either.
"It's a specific form of armour. My ancestors wore them, though the exact process of the forging was unknown until recently." Jack hoped his speech was coherent, as Zephyr's proximity was derailing his train of thought.
"So we are preparing for a fight soon? I do still remember how to link my strength with my Knight, which is good, no?" Zephyr was nearly whispering in Jack's ear, warm breath ghosting over his neck and making Jack's pulse quicken. "And my powers grow stronger as the moons pass crescent and begin to fill."
"Right… That is good. But we'll need to practice, I think." Jack swallowed hard when Zephyr's hands tightened around him. "According to the details in the schematic, this armour serves more than just protective purpose. It enhances the way power is channelled through a person. We're both going to need it, now that we're facing something as strong as a chaos God."
"Is it about to be finished?"
"Almost. I've had a basic outline for it before, and now it's mostly just fine adjustments." Jack traced a finger over Zephyr's arm, down his wrist, and over the metal of his knuckles. "Can you… feel that?"
"I can. It's as sensitive as skin, though somehow different." Placing a hand on the anvil next to Jack, Zephyr smirked. "It can feel almost like this… electrifying."
Much like last time in the kitchen when they showed off their strength, Jack felt the same current overloading his senses. However, now it was just a tease resonating from Zephyr, through the iron and back at Jack. He struggled to name the ways it made him feel, from the feather-light tingling all over hi
s skin, to the warmth spreading through him.
Deciding to go along with their little game, Jack's fingers grasped Zephyr's wrist, and he pushed in his own way. He made the iron remember the moment it was warm and pliant under Jack's will, moulding into the shape of his desire. It was a game of the mind, but he had no doubt Zephyr was physically feeling the sensations it aroused.
"How about we take this somewhere else? Your bed is a rather comfortable spot." Zephyr pulled Jack towards the house, the rain falling softly over them both.
"I don't think you mentioned how far my duties as a Knight expand?" Jack grinned as Zephyr brought their lips together in the next instant, the kiss messy and full of hunger. Grasping Zephyr's hips with both hands, Jack backed him into a wall. Zephyr's tongue was hot and restless as their kiss deepened, making Jack keep up as best as he could. He certainly had never kissed anyone like that before, and passion simmered in Jack's abdomen, travelling down to the point where his hips met Zephyr's.
"How far are you willing to go for me?" Zephyr's voice was low as their lips parted, Jack panting against him.
Resting his forehead against Zephyr's, Jack closed his eyes, trying to get his breathing under control. Zephyr's hand, firmly woven into his hair, was beckoning him closer, but Jack found the strength to answer him first. "As far as I can. Always." Jack kissed him again, strong arms wrapping around his slim waist, basking in the heat seeping through Zephyr's thin shirt.
Jack lifted him effortlessly, a small portion of his mind thinking how perfect it felt to have Zephyr in his arms, how it seemed like he belonged there. As he walked to the bedroom, thunder echoed outside, hard enough to make the windows rattle. Jack wasn't worried when there was a storm anymore: he knew Zephyr was still strongly connected to it, and apparently, it corresponded with his emotions. A strangely indecent thrill ran through Jack at the thought he was about to bed someone as powerful and unpredictable as Zephyr.
Zephyr pressed himself closer to Jack, arms pulling at his shirt, trying to bare more skin. He was leaving a trail of kisses down Jack's neck and over his muscular shoulder, down the ridge of his collarbone. The world shifted briefly as they landed on the soft bed. A small sigh left Zephyr's lips as he caressed Jack's face, hand tracing over the high bridge of his nose, the firm, stubbled jaw. "I've waited so long for this… For you to be mine." Without letting Jack reply, Zephyr pulled him down for a deep, slow kiss full of passion.