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Ocean Ghosts Page 4

  The rain increased, drops falling steadily over the metal roof, their song getting louder. Though all that mattered to Jack was Zephyr, gorgeous and wanting and oh so close. He sat back on his heels and removed his cotton shirt, gasping when Zephyr's warm hands caressed his bare chest. Jack bit his lip, marvelling at Zephyr sprawled over the black sheets, hair dark like a crow's wing and almost merging with the silk in the deep purple light. The iron of his hands felt amazing against Jack's skin, hot and sending little jolts of pleasure through him every time Zephyr so much as pressed his fingers against the dips and curves of Jack's torso.

  "You have so many scars," Zephyr noted with an unreadable expression, his touch ghosting over the long scars covering Jack's shoulders and chest. Some of them were pale and faded, others deep and large.

  "They go with the job, I guess. Protecting the city from evil has left its mark over my entire family, both in mind and onto our flesh—" Jack's voice cut off when Zephyr began kissing his chest, lips pressing softly against the jagged edges of the scars. He ran his hands through Zephyr's silky hair and over the perfect, unmarked skin of his shoulders and arms. Despite being in human form for such a short time, Zephyr's body had gotten even stronger, muscles shifting under his skin with every move.

  "Back in the old times, the blacksmiths wore their spells as brands, burned into their skin. They told me that true power required great sacrifice." Zephyr sat in Jack's lap, rubbing gentle circles over his back.

  For a moment, Jack felt the traces left behind, hot and tingling over his skin… Almost like another memory, one etched in the flesh and not the mind. Those had begun to appear more often since Zephyr was with him, and a strange suspicion was forming in Jack's mind, one he was unable, or maybe on some subconscious level unwilling, to give shape to just yet. "Once the walls were built, that wasn't necessary. Though true power still requires something in return." Jack unbuttoned Zephyr's shirt the rest of the way and let the sapphire-blue fabric slide down his arms like water.

  "Pain isn't the only way to attain power. Sometimes, pleasure can be just as rewarding, Jack." The way Zephyr moved closer, touching his bare skin as if driven to Jack's heat, reminded him of their little game in the forge.

  Hearing Zephyr say his name never ceased to pleasurably stir something inside Jack. Maybe it was their bond, or his desire for Zephyr; he couldn't say, but it woke Jack's primal side. Perhaps just like the nights people had gone out to conquer the elements, he felt need and desire woven tightly into him. Zephyr seemed to sense that, as he laid back on the bed, thighs spreading in an invitation Jack was eager to accept.

  Their bodies seemed to fit together perfectly, and Jack relished the groan that Zephyr made as he ground their hips together. Kissing and nipping at the skin of his firm stomach rewarded Jack when Zephyr tightened his legs around him, bringing the two of them even closer together. Another lost memory flashed through Jack's mind—a similar moment, the same eyes staring at him, equally wanton.

  Making himself fall back into the present, Jack slid Zephyr's pants down, revealing strong thighs and baring his arousal completely. He had seen Zephyr naked before, but this felt way different.

  "Can I?" Jack asked with a breathy voice.

  "Yes…" Zephyr's smile was soft, but there was a spark of something sensual hidden deep into his eyes.

  It was endearing, making Jack wish to do things he never had before. He kissed Zephyr's skin at the point where metal met flesh, head sinking lower between Zephyr's spread thighs. Jack felt the energy rushing towards him, carrying a vision of darkness and rain. Zephyr underneath him, in the storm, demanding, pulling, wanting more. It felt intense, and Jack shivered at the realization that this memory somehow felt like it was his own.

  Apparently, there was more to their union that he'd known at first, and maybe it was why Zephyr was so insistent on the theme of remembrance. Despite trying, Jack couldn't evoke anything more than flashes of sensation and the familiar feeling of Zephyr's skin against his own. He stroked Zephyr's hardness, thumb swiping over the moist tip and down the shaft. The gasp from above was all the encouragement Jack needed, and he leaned forward, tongue darting down to capture his first taste of Zephyr.

  "More… give me more." Zephyr's voice was like liquid honey, his hands fisting harder in Jack's hair.

  He slowly took Zephyr's thick length into his mouth, as far as he could, before he started sucking. Jack focused on keeping his breathing under control, setting a steady rhythm which was bringing Zephyr undone.

  Thighs enclosed around Jack's wide shoulders. Spine arching and hips pushing forward, Zephyr was clearly enjoying himself, especially if the half-voiced gasps leaving his plump lips were anything to go by. Jack gave up trying to keep the pace and instead followed Zephyr's quickening thrusts as best as he could. His own need was still confined under the fabric of his pants, trapped between his body and the mattress, but Jack didn't mind. The way Zephyr's flesh felt sent small jolts of pleasure down his spine, each sensual move of his body brimming with encouragement. Jack focused on doubling his efforts, sensing himself getting closer to the edge as well. The first earthly taste of Zephyr ran down his tongue, and a moan left Jack's lips when Zephyr's hands pulled hard on his hair.

  Zephyr slipped from Jack's lips and he stroked himself several times, his stormy, half-lidded gaze never leaving Jack's eyes as he came. Hot streaks painted Jack's shoulder and neck and ran down his collarbone, and he licked his lips, still tasting Zephyr's essence upon them.

  Hand trailing down, Zephyr brought his fingers to Jack's reddened lips with a satisfied expression. "I think now it's time I give you some of the power I promised." He laid back, pulling Jack over himself.

  "What do you mean?" Heat rose even further in Jack's face as he gave Zephyr a curious look.

  "Bonding beyond the mind. Once we've joined our bodies, my physical strength will pass to you much easier. You'll see." Zephyr's hand unbuttoned Jack's pants and slipped inside, grasping his hard dick tightly enough to be pleasurable.

  "Wait. So you've done this before… in the past?" Jack's voice hitched when Zephyr moved his hand, and he absentmindedly noticed how seamless the transition between the metal and flesh were under his fingers.

  "Indeed I have, though you need not think about that now. Do what you desire, Jack." Zephyr pressed a kiss against the corner of Jack's mouth and moved to whisper in his ear. "Take me. Tame me…" Biting Jack's neck, Zephyr's hand on his length twisted in a way that made Jack gasp. "Make me yours."

  "Oh, I will." The words left Jack's lips in something like a growl, restraint finally snapping.

  His hands gripped Zephyr's thighs hard enough to bruise, crushing their lips together in a messy, wet kiss. Zephyr arched his back, energy field nearly buzzing through Jack's senses, letting him know this was exactly what he wanted. It served to fuel Jack's passion even further, as he caressed each part of Zephyr he could reach, his roughened palms sliding over skin smooth like marble. Zephyr was returning his caress with equal vigour, grasping at him, fingers leaving red welts on his back. Jack felt him kissing back harder, a wordless plea for more.

  Jack's skin was hypersensitive, Zephyr's electromagnetic field affecting him immensely. His mind was everywhere, yet it remained focused and he felt powerful beyond reason. He could see, hear, feel everything. The sound of the water pouring outside, the quiet hum of the iron in the house, down the ground, in the city. Each gasping breath Zephyr took, each moan and the wet sound of their lips parting, all sent waves of arousal through Jack's body. Zephyr, magnificent Zephyr spread underneath him, wanting him, an unbridled water that could devour him, yet Jack wanted to submerge himself completely.

  And so he did, slipping all the way into Zephyr's tight heat. For once, Jack felt the world slow down, stop its endless spin around him and just leave him be. Zephyr's body arched, warm around him, holding him closer. As if hearing the iron's call, Jack let his consciousness transcend, wrapping it around Zephyr's mind that shone with the brightne
ss of a lighthouse. Flowing like molten metal, Zephyr's presence welcomed him, allowing their thoughts to nearly merge into one at the high of ecstasy.

  The universe spun back into motion, and he captured Zephyr's lips in a kiss, keeping their minds as closely intertwined as their bodies. Zephyr's fingers dug into his back and Jack began to move, pulling back and pushing in hard. The force of his thrusts made the heavy bed rattle against the wall.

  Blinding flashes of lightning shone through the windows, illuminating Zephyr's body and his face twisted in ecstasy. The thunder was nearly deafening, but Jack could still hear Zephyr's moans, Jack's name leaving his lips. Zephyr's arms wrapped around him tightly as he spoke in Jack's ear, most words in the Old Speech. Some seemed to be a part of a spell, others just wanting Jack to go harder, faster, but ultimately it was the sound of Zephyr's voice that fuelled Jack's maddening desire. He remembered now, doing this before, with Zephyr. And though they had both carried different names at the time, ultimately, they were the same.

  Jack could sense Zephyr's emotions reflecting into his own mind. The points where his want met Zephyr's hunger, the shared fire burning through their veins. And a certainty, a sense of belonging, as if something Zephyr has been waiting for has finally come. Or someone.

  Each time Zephyr met his thrusts brought a sensation shared and amplified between them by the connection of their minds, a blinding-hot pleasure. Jack could almost taste the salt of his own skin linger over Zephyr's tongue, the metallic, iron taste of blood as teeth sank into his shoulder, completing the spell. A surge of Zephyr's power transpiring to become his own, power they both knew Jack was more than willing to accept.

  A loud groan left Jack's throat, and he pushed hard into Zephyr as he reached climax with a spike of pleasure and power. He felt Zephyr tighten around him, finishing as well and sending a last charge of power, which completely overloaded their joined consciousness.

  Coming down from such a high was slow, and Jack was surprised he hadn't passed out. Their heavy breathing was the only sound in the darkened room; even the rain had slowed down, the storm disappearing quietly. The air smelled of ozone as if lightning had raged inside the room. Zephyr's arm rested on his chest, and he hummed quietly when he felt fingers run over the ridges of his muscles. He caressed Zephyr's back, palms sliding up and down his spine.

  "Now you know… of before." Zephyr's spoke quietly, but his voice was deep.

  Jack's lips pressed against Zephyr's forehead, and he closed his eyes. "Yes. I know. But not everything."

  "You will reach that too, in time. It is something you should do yourself, now that I have given you the starting thread." A sigh left Zephyr before he buried his face in Jack's shoulder, who felt his eyelids close before his mind could think further on.

  Chapter Five

  The soft ground gave easily under the push of the shovel, and another heap of wet mud joined the growing pile to the side. The hole was almost big enough to accommodate the well-developed root system of the rose bush resting next to it. The night was still young, and fortunately the rain had stopped completely, though the ever-present fog was seeping through the gate and into the garden.

  Jack stopped digging and swiped a lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead. He kneeled next to the new plant and carefully unwrapped it. It was a bit late into the season, but he hoped the consistent rain and moisture would be enough to make the plant feel good in its new home. There were two pale blue buds ready to bloom on the top, and Jack had to admit they were the reason he'd picked up the plant on his morning walk at the market to begin with. Their ghostly luminescence was akin to lightning behind heavy clouds and reminded him of Zephyr's stormy eyes.

  "A new rose?"

  Jack shook his head when he heard Zephyr's curious voice behind him. He was never far from Jack's mind and, well, not far from his sight either. Turning, he regarded Zephyr with what he hoped was a serious expression. "If I recall correctly, someone obliterated the last rose in this spot." A smile tugged at the corner of Jack's lips when he saw a shadow of embarrassment cross Zephyr's features.

  "I was still rather angry at the time… Maybe you'll be forgiving of my mistake if I offer my assistance?" Zephyr took the shovel and began to widen the hole in the ground. After disposing of a couple more shovels of soil, a loud clank sounded from the bottom. Jack put a hand on the shovel's handle, stopping Zephyr mid-move.

  "That sounded a bit like a stone. Let me check." Jack traced the bottom of the hole with a hand, feeling for anything unusual in the ground. There was a more solid patch, as wide as his palm. Extending a portion of his consciousness, Jack was surprised to feel the slight fluctuation in the magnetic field that usually meant there was sky iron nearby. He took the shovel again and cleaned the soil from around the solid patch, which formed a rough square.

  "All right, usually anything made of sky iron had been meticulously gathered and reused, even weapons after the wars. Though I can see how something as small as this might have disappeared." Jack took the nearly flat iron block and turned to look at Zephyr, who was watching him intently. "Will you take this to the forge while I finish planting the rose, please?"

  "Of course." Zephyr took the muddy find and turned, walking away with large strides through the garden.

  Jack watched him until he disappeared around the corner and smiled to himself. The memories from the previous night were still fresh in his mind, and he took a deep breath. Just thinking about what they had done was enough to make heat pool in his lower abdomen. Zephyr had spent the morning wrapped around Jack, even at breakfast. They hadn't talked much, but the physical contact was rather affirmative of the new state of their relationship, even though Jack was still trying to make sense of his newly revealed memories.

  Reincarnation was not a foreign notion to people of the city, but he hadn't heard of anyone who'd remembered events from past lives before. The familiarity he felt with Zephyr could only mean they had been together in the past, that Jack had bound him before. But the more he tried to remember, the less sense things made. He had hoped recovering memories of that time would help him better understand how to fight the chaos God. However, he'd had no luck with that so far. What he recalled, even with Zephyr's earlier help, were fragments of sensations, memories of emotions and not words of knowledge.

  Sighing, he returned his attention to the rose bush. By now, the hole was perhaps bigger than it should have been, so Jack took a moment to put some of the soil back inside, before placing the plant atop of it. It fit nicely, and Jack pushed the remaining soil to the sides, mindful of thorns.

  He regarded his work for a moment before going to wash his hands in the stone basin near the house. Moss was growing over the small, delicate statue of a dove atop it, and Jack made a note to himself to clean it eventually. Being busy with Zephyr and the threat from the old God was taking up most of his time, but he was glad he'd had the chance to plant the rose. Much like all other plants in Revdagrad, roses bloomed with flowers that carried light into the dark, and their scent was thick in the air throughout all seasons. Jack had always loved the sight of the mansion's garden filled with lights since he was a kid, and made sure to keep it that way.

  He was just about to go to the forge and inspect the piece of iron, when he heard loud voices near the gate. It opened a moment later to reveal Celeste, cheerfully lost in conversation with Snow, whose expression was somewhat sullen. There was something about Celeste that reminded Jack of a rose: perhaps the assembly of colourful clothes which made Celeste stand out in the dark much like a glowing flower. Not that he was ever going to admit that, as Celeste might have a thing or two to say to Jack in the matters of style and fashion in Revdagrad, which meant he wasn't going to hear the end of it.

  Stepping out of the shadows, Jack stood under the lantern's purple glow and greeted Snow and Celeste as they came closer.

  "Hey there! Might I just note that you haven't been to the library lately. Books without Jack around—that's making me worry, you
know!" Celeste poked at Jack jokingly while quickly looking him over. "We only get to talk when you come to the market in the morning, and even then, it's only about the chaos God research. As important as it is, I'd like to know how you're handling the new situation here!"

  "Seems like someone's been busy playing in the mud instead." Jack thought Snow was noting his pants, which indeed had mud stains, but he sighed and pointed at Jack's head. Celeste giggled at Jack's confused expression.

  Brushing a hand over his forehead, Jack saw the traces of dirt left on his fingers. "I see. Well, I was having some trouble with a plant, which might have gotten lit on fire." Jack glared at Snow, who hummed and turned his head to the side in mock obliviousness.

  "Ah well, I'm sure you've fixed that now. Jack, may I ask where our little secret is?" Despite being a certified genius, Celeste's skills in the matter of being inconspicuous left a lot to be desired. Still, there wasn't anyone coming to the house and asking what exactly Jack had been up to, so the secret had somehow remained so far. "I think it's time for us to meet again, with proper introductions this time."

  "If you mean Zephyr, he should be in the forge. I was just heading there, so if you're willing to wait with the tea for a while, we can see him there." Jack turned to walk towards the forge and heard Celeste's uncertain steps follow him soon after.

  Both Snow and Celeste had kept their distance from Zephyr after the night of his embodiment, and Jack couldn't really blame them. While Zephyr was unable to harm Jack in any way because of the spell, that didn't extend to other people. Zephyr had been quite intimidating at first, and Jack hadn't wanted to put his friends in danger until he knew he'd gained Zephyr's trust—especially given Snow's uncanny ability to piss people off. Still, after getting to know Zephyr better, Jack was certain things were going to be all right. It was a good time for them to lay down what they knew about fighting the chaos God so far and make their plan alongside Zephyr.